Fall has arrived again, although the leaves have yet to change. Rather than focusing solely on this season this time of year, I would like to share how each season may lend itself to a skill, a wisdom, which I find helpful in providing to everyone, which I try and do myself and will be reminding myself of in this post
Take time out for yourself. This element of living, this necessary way to be healthy and happy in life, I do not think can be underestimated. Culturally, it is positive and healthy to disconnect, from obligations, responsibilities, pulls towards others, pulls towards any needs one is feeling for oneself. In short, without escaping from it all, the requisite downtime we all come to miss does not happen. So, how does this look for each season? How does each season lend itself to this requisite downtime? In winter, I think it may happen more naturally and be easier than most for finding this time. The weather gets bad and the roads are impassable, the snow plows have yet to make their way through our travel lanes, our thoroughfares, for getting where we normally go. Not only that, but when the weather gets colder, when the temperatures plummet and drop, we naturally have less motivation to be active and perhaps be so actively around others. Take these nudges and times to oneself. I think we are naturally made to adapt to the seasons, and winter lends itself certainly to this time away from our regular lives. What about spring? How does spring lend itself to time away from others and spent with just our own company? I think wherever you may find nature, I think wherever you may be inspired to see the life of the earth returning to its more colored and vibrant shades and splendors, this is where to go and be alone to enjoy this time, without other distractions from people or life in its regular routines and obligations. Summer. Summer has many distractions, but it also can let us know the wisdom of staying in, lounging around, whether by pools or other bodies of water, or away from it all, perhaps to get away from the heat, the less than natural flow of our life routines, a time when vacations are to be taken, when perhaps we know culturally about this being the time to get away. But how about for the next time it rolls around, take a day trip or two, or plan a getaway for oneself, to oneself, so one can enjoy the variations of the season unique to summer? A time to be creative and get away for oneself. Finally fall. Fall almost upon us now in its change of colors for the season. We cannot help but start to slow down from the summer having just past. We feel the cold coming in, and we feel the adjustment, within our bodies, as our clocks are likely to change, setting time back as we approach this time of year. The first nudgings and inklings of winter that come when the air first starts to get cold, this may be one of the best times of the season to stop and honor this feeling of slowing down, this change from the summer just past. Slowing down, this begins the season of fall, and provides an opportunity for us. Nature comes to present itself in its changing colors, perhaps a time to just walk in this transitioning season of russet splendor. The dark seems to come in, the night comes up to greet us more readily. Welcoming the gifts of this slowing, darkening, crispening time of year, this presents a self-gifting way to meet the fall. Perhaps chilling in more ways than one, we can each come up with ways to be thrilled by the season, in solace or more enlivening ways. Slowing down, let us be in mind to greet the season. Wishing you all, in that time to yourself, a happy and self-nurturing fall.
AuthorMark Newlon, feeling the embrace of the sacred feminine daily! Categories
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