1) Dependent World - You are living your life dependent on others or someone else in such a way which limits your chances of living a fulfilling life.
Represents a negative version of alchemy's black stage, where we lose ourselves or become lost for a time.
2) Shining Light - You are given an opportunity to shine and be yourself for once.
We gain valuable knowledge from the experience as in the white stage of alchemy.
3) Beauty - You see and realize your inner beauty in an outer form.
Change manifests itself in the world as in alchemy's stage of change, coded red.
4) Secret World - You begin to nurture a secret world in which you are safe and protected as you continue to explore and know yourself apart from others.
We are away from the world, protected, exploring more deeply who we are as in the black stage of alchemy.
5) Open Door - The door to your secret world begins to open with the risk of others discovering who you are.
We continue to learn about ourselves, but now the risk grows that others will gain knowledge of us when we are not ready, both a positive and negative version of alchemy's white stage.
6) Discovery - You are discovered in your secret world and are no longer able to hide in it.
We have changed and now others see this in the world, a manifestation of it as in the red stage of alchemy.
7) Letting Go - You are given the choice of letting go of what has held you back.
As in alchemy's stage coded black, we are presented with an opportunity of letting go, for being more purely who we are.
8) Moving On - You have to choose to be yourself or go back to your dependent world.
With the new self-knowledge we have, that others now know too, we can choose to implement it or forsake it in our lives, a return to the world with knowledge, as in the white stage of alchemy.
9) On the Path - You realize yourself as your path, choosing yourself over any fear or dependency.
We have transformed ourselves with our self-knowledge, living our lives authentically in honor of who we are, as in the red stage of alchemy.