As a conduit between ourselves and knowledge outside of our conscious awareness, divination provides us with further information for self-understanding and prompts us for further investigation of ourselves and our circumstances, helping us to guide our own actions into the future and find more meaningful ways of living life.
Insight divination best describes what I offer, providing insight into ourselves and our current circumstances. Foresight divination helps guide us to the next step on our path, which I make use of also.
Dreamwork and cartomancy, described below, represent both of these forms of divination.
Dreamwork explores our dreams for any recurring patterns or themes, including any figures, objects, locations, any phenomena showing up meaningfully, for gaining insight about ourselves beyond what we are consciously aware of.
Cartomancy makes use of specialized card types for gaining insight or foresight about our lives or ourselves, and, as an example of what I use, the Girls Underground Story Oracle deck helps determine the next possible step we can take in the narrative of our lives, pointing out the pitfalls to be aware of, any life-affirming recollections we may have forgotten, among the many various narrative points and their lessons to be found in this story archetype.*
(*An archetype represents a pattern of behavior depicted by a character or a story that may be present in our unconscious, that part of our psyche we are not consciously aware of, potentially having either a positive or negative effect on us depending on how we make use of it. The Girls Underground story archetype was recently discovered by the creator of this oracle deck.)