Becoming aware of our own personal joy and freedom continues our journey until we reach that which has been guiding us all along. Sat-Chit-Ananda. Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute. From India, this has been expressed for thousands of years as the destination. Consider it the absolute experience of our freedom, awareness, and joy on our path.
In our mapping out of life and the fulfillment of our happiness, we come to know, understand, and be who we fully are. We discover the enjoyment of ourselves as we live out our daily lives, experiencing the wonder there. We find a joy and a freedom in life, experiencing the wonder in it. In reaching, or realizing, Sat-Chit-Ananda in and as ourselves, our awareness, joy, and freedom reach their final form and expression, unlocking the final door to this golden destination, of Mystery, which has been guiding us all along. Its wonder becomes ours.
The Art of Alchemy unlocks the Gates to the Three Wonders of the Three Worlds, the Awareness of our Joy and Freedom the Key.
As we make use of the lens of alchemy to see where we are in life and what we may do through its three processes or stages of transformation to our benefit, we are traveling along the path to the ultimate experience of our joy and freedom. Any moment becomes a possibility of reaching or touching on this door.
Through honoring the mystery of life, we are more able to experience the wonders that lead the way, that tell us we are making progress on our path.
All of life becomes made up of magic, any experience a connection to reflect this pull towards realizing who we are in the ultimate sense of our joy and freedom.
Knowing who we are, we reach wholeness, and I am happy to share this with you on your path.